Thursday, June 5, 2014

NPL Twenty20 put on hold

- The Twenty20 tournament under the Ncell Nepal Premier League (NPL) has been postponed for an indefinite period on Wednesday.
Event Managers Zohra Sports Management (ZSM) announced that the Twenty20 has been put on hold due to technical reasons. On Sunday, ZSM said the event was pushed back to three days for June 7 start. The T20 event was originally scheduled for June 4-14 at the Tribhuvan University Stadium grounds.
ZSM Managing Director Aamir Akhtar issued a statement on Wednesday saying the demand of more preparation time by the owners and ongoing strike of the TU ground staff was the reason behind further postponement.”The owners need more time for preparations, promotions and acquiring overseas players so I am consulting for  a new dates that shall be revealed soon,” read the release issued by ZSM.
“The strike of the TU ground staff is another reason behind postponing the League.” The NPL includes six corporate teams all led by national team cricketers. Vishal Group Warriors, Jagdamba Giants, Sagar-matha Legends, Kantipur Gurkhas, Colors X-Factors and Panchakanya Tej are six franchises owned by different corporate houses.

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